Friday, September 19, 2008

Why another blog?

Just in case anyone was asking the same question, I figured I'd open this bad boy up with an explanation.

I was going about my day, mulling over the current "economic crisis" concerning AIG, Lehman Brothers, Meryll Lynch, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, and even all the way back to Bear Stearns (well, we could go further). I had opinions, opinions that needed let out, aired, shared, appreciated. In fact, I have a multitude of things to I want to discuss, teach about, shed some light on; to hopefully open people's eyes and shake them out of their American malaise. And my biggest problem was where to put them. I've got a blog for my diet, and a blog for the baby (soon to include the dog). So that left two. Well, these sorts of discussions don't seem to fit with updates from the Dinclers' daily lives, and aren't the normal topics I would include in a quasi prayer journal.

So, I was left at an impasse. To blog, or not blog, and where? As much as I read and try to educate myself on current events, political issues, and the sorts of things that affect and shape our culture (WND is a popular starting point for me), well, doing that only leads to formulating opinions, and I don't have a whole lot of room to store a bunch of undisclosed opinions (sometimes they can spoil, even) so I just knew I had to get them out and find them a home.

So hear we have my sappy-titled soapbox (like no one else in the whole world has ever had a blog/website/newsletter with the same name!). My one concern is the possibility of compartmentalizing issues and truths that, in reality, are all connected, so I'm sure I'll be cross-referencing my journal and my family updates often.

Here's to me clogging up the blogosphere.

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